Meet your new COACH

Marine Corps Veteran
My firearms experience began with my service in the United States Marine Corps. I served nine years of active duty as an avionics technician & electrician on CH53E helicopters. We still did cool things like shoot big guns and conducted rifle training, but I was not Infantry.
Deployed to Afghanistan (OEF / GWOT)
Deployed to the USS Bataan (OEF)
Deployed to CJTF-HOA Djibouti (OEF)
Earned Humanitarian Medal during Hurricane Katrina Relief
Student of Pistolcraft
After my service, I returned home to Memphis, TN. The neighborhood of my childhood was now overrun with crime. My Marine Corps training had not prepared me for these streets, so I began training on my own time and my own dime.
One Dollar Bill Winner (ref: Massad Ayoob)
Pistol Master Award (ref: Tom Givens, Rangemaster RTS)
Casino Drill Coin Winner (ref: Tom Givens, Rangemaster RTS)
Turbo Pin Winner (ref: Gabe White, Pistol Shooting Solutions)
2x Coin Winner (ref: Spencer Keepers)
Completed 70+ in-person courses, totaling 800+ hours of instruction.

Master Instructor
After several recommendations, I decided to share my passion with others as a coach & instructor. I became one of the lead instructors at Top Gun Shooting Range in Memphis, TN. There, I mentor fellow instructors and develop defensive practitioners and Range Safety Officers.

Current Instructor / Safety Officer Certifications:
Deadly Force Instructor, Massad Ayoob Group
Master Pistol Instructor Certification, Rangemaster Firearms Training Services
Active Self Protection Instructor Certification (Cohort 5)
Force On Force Instructor Certification, KR Training
Active Shooter Instructor Certification, Last Resort Firearms Training
OC Spray / Less Lethal Instructor Certification, AgILE/Training & Consulting
Pistol Instructor Certification, National African American Gun Association (NAAGA)
Instructor (CCHDF), United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)
Chief Range Safety Officer, National Rifle Association (NRA)
Instructor (Basic Pistol & CCW), National Rifle Association (NRA)
Chief Safety Officer, International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA)
Sponsored Competitive Shooter
Team Affiliations:
Top Gun Memphis Shooting Team
Team TFI Academy
IDPA Master (Carry Optics, Back Up Gun)
1st Place Expert, 2022 Arkansas State Championship
Match Promotion to Master
Defeated 12 Experts & 2 Masters
3rd Place Master, 2022 Mississippi State Championship
3rd Place A-Class, 2023 Tennessee Section Championship
SCSA A-Class

Trained by the Best
Completed courses taught by the following instructors:
Andrew Branca
Aqil Qadir
Ashley Johnson
Bob Stewart
Brian Hill
Calvin Lim
Chip Holland
Chris Whitten
Chuck Haggard
Craig Douglas
Ed Monk
Gabe White
Gerald Foon
Greg Ellifritz
Jacob Paulsen
Jay Gibson
JD Mungle
John Correia
John Farnam
John Hearne
John Holschen
John Murphy
John Wallace
Karl Rehn
Kathy Williams
Keith Bishop
Keith Tyler
Kristen Todd
Massad Ayoob
Melanie Hoppers
Nicky Carter
Ralph Blue
Riley Bowman
Ryan McCann
Sarah Joy Albreicht
Scott Jedlinski
Spencer Keepers
Stephanie Weidner
Stoney Steele
Tatiana Whitlock
Tiffany Johnson
Tim Herron
Tim Morris
Tom Givens
Tyler Tharp
Will Dougan