Originally written: May 10, 2021.
This is my first one, and I hope I'm doing this right. I needed some kind of grading rubric so I came up with this on the fly.

Goals: Decision Making, Mental Preparation
Brian places items on a table, and you then must use these items and make stressful decisions. These items include a training pistol, inert training O.C. Spray, a flashlight, and a fake flip phone (for the buttons I’d imagine). Brian then displays an image for three seconds, and you must make decisions. Afterwards, we debrief together and learn some lessons. It sounds corny but trust me. You feel real pressure.
Requirements: Very low. Three-hour drive for me.
You can hop into one of these classes for less than $100. And you often have the option to save money on the Pistol Essentials class, and on the IBDD Kits. With zero ammo required, it’s an easy win.
Acclaim: Not as much as it deserves.
No one talks about this class, and I do not understand why. There wasn’t a single bullet in the room, and I was surrounded by friends. And I felt more pressure than at a state-level championship.
Difficulty: Any experience level, from Beginner to Master.
It’s Three hours in air-conditioned classroom, so not physically demanding. But it still gets your pulse racing. Everyone in the room felt the pressure. Many remarked that it was more stressful than working with live ammo. Even the experienced LEOs in the room saw great benefit in the exercise.
Efficacy: Highly effective and memorable. It felt real, but safe.
A lot of the effectiveness comes from Brian’s delivery of the material. Brian has the ability to truly connect with everyone in the room, even within the three-hour timeframe. His Emotional Intelligence is off the charts. I’m guessing this comes from his decades of experience in coaching athletes. He challenges you, without insulting you, or blowing smoke up your ass. I’m honestly puzzled by why more people don’t talk about this. They probably do, I’m likely just late to the party.
I hope you enjoyed this AAR. Let me know if this helped you as a reader and practitioner. Leave a comment below.