It’d be wrong for me to start this series without mentioning Rusty Tysor. I was mere feet from him in the hotel lobby. Surrounded by first responders and full-time medical professionals, he got the best care you could imagine. The team responded in textbook fashion. Sadly it was not enough.
I’d like to imagine meeting him and sharing a beer. I believe we would’ve been fast friends. To a man, all of the Apache Solutions cadre have been exceptional minds and leaders of men. Rusty would’ve been no different, I’m certain.
Please take a minute today to pray for the family and friends of Rusty Tysor. Pray for his Apache Solutions brothers as they deal with this difficult time. I couldn’t imagine losing one of my Memphis brothers. I’d be a blithering, emotional mess. Yet Apache Solutions conducted themselves in exemplary fashion. Their class blocks were the highlight of the conference, and their brotherhood is the envy of firearms instructors everywhere.
I’m sure you’ve made him proud.
Please take a minute to read the memorial post on the Apache Solutions Facebook page.
Also, please see Rusty’s obituary page to donate and send flowers & memories to the family.